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Audience Scanning Safety course - July 31 2024

  • Wednesday, July 31, 2024
  • 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM
  • Online via Zoom or in-person (Orlando)


  • If you are an ILDA Member who did not specifically request this course, use this. It includes one person's registration (USD $395).

    You can register more employees as guests ($395 each).
  • If you are an ILDA Member AND you specifically requested this course, use this. It includes one person's registration (USD $395) plus the Custom Course fee ($250).

    You can register more employees as guests ($395 each).

Registration is closed

This 4-hour course is Wednesday, July 31, 2024 beginning at 7 pm EDT New York time (Thu. August 1 at 9 am Melbourne, Victoria time).

The course is given both online, via Zoom and in-person at the Orlando office of LSDI. If you can make it to Orlando, great. If not, you can still participate via Zoom.

This is for the online ILDA Audience Scanning Safety course described here. It is NOT for the Laser Safety Officer, Laser Operator, or Laser Safety Inspector courses which are separate, different courses.

The course instructor is Greg Makhov, ILDA Safety Committee chair.

There is no test. Course participants will receive a Certificate of Completion stating that they attended the course.

ILDA Members receive a discount . (If you are a Member, but you only see the non-member price, be sure to log in to the site before you come back to this page.) 

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