The ILDA Accredited Professional Lasershow Company program is for companies, organizations and individuals that have a minimum level of proven, documented and substantial experience in the following areas:
Professional Performance: Shows and awards
Professional Experience: Years in business, letters of reference, association memberships
Volunteer Service: To ILDA, entertainment industry, laser industry, and community
Education and Professional Development: Educational history, participation and attendance in industry conferences
Safety: Laser Safety Officer and other safety courses, safety permits and variances held, service in laser safety groups, teaching about safety
Statement of Affirmation: Understanding and agreeing to safe laser practices
Currently, all IAPLC companies are also ILDA Members, although it is possible for non-members to apply for and receive IAPLC accreditation.
There are three IAPLC levels, depending on the size of the company:
- Level 1: More than USD $1,000,000 in annual lasershow-related gross revenues (before expenses and taxes)
- Level 2: Between $250,000 and $1,000,000
- Level 3: Less than $250,000
Note: ILDA Professional accreditation ultimately means that a company has submitted documentation indicating that they meet the IAPLC program's criteria, and has paid fees covering program and marketing costs, plus ILDA operations.
Accreditation does not cover business practices or non-laser display work, and is not necessarily a guarantee of quality or satisfaction.
ILDA does not run or monitor the operations of those achieving accreditation.
Persons hiring any laser display producer should check business references, review past shows and take other prudent steps to ensure a good fit between the client's needs and the laser company's experience.