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Lasershow Operator course online - June 28, 2024

  • Friday, June 28, 2024
  • 12:01 AM - 5:00 AM
  • Online - Zoom


  • IMPORTANT -- You are registering for the Lasershow Operator course. This is different than ILDA's most popular course, Laser Safety Officer (LSO) for Lightshows. The Lasershow Operator course is lower cost and only goes through the first half of the LSO course. BE SURE YOU WANT TO REGISTER FOR LASERSHOW OPERATOR (AND NOT THE LSO COURSE).
  • IMPORTANT -- You are registering for the Lasershow Operator course. This is different than ILDA's most popular course, Laser Safety Officer (LSO) for Lightshows. The Lasershow Operator course is lower cost and only goes through the first half of the LSO course. BE SURE YOU WANT TO REGISTER FOR LASERSHOW OPERATOR (AND NOT THE LSO COURSE).

The June 28, 2024 Lasershow Operator course has been cancelled. Please look into signing up for one of our other upcoming courses.

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