This is for the online ILDA Laser Safety Officer (LSO) - Lasershows course described here. It is NOT for the Laser Operator, Laser Safety Inspector, or Audience Scanning courses which are separate.
The first part of the course is about 5-6 hours of online instruction using Cisco Webex. Then, there is a test at the end which takes up to 2 hours for students to complete the course (still staying online during the test, so up to 8 hours total depending). There will be breaks during the course, just like the live in-person course has breaks every 1.5-2 hours.
ILDA will email to each person the course manual and the Cisco Webex log-in instructions a few days before the course starts.
This course start and end time has been set especially for persons in Europe and the U.S., though of course anyone anywhere in the world is welcome.
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